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Elements of commercial packaging often require custom color such as translucent color tinted caps on hair care containers.

Producing product prototypes, props and heros often call for custom colors on caps, bottles, cans, tubes, etc. We match airbrush colors to Pantone, CMYK, Toyo or to custom swatches provided by the client. The products are then airbrushed to client spec's for position, opacity and gradation patterns.

Airbrush Thumbnail Gallery

Elements of commercial packaging 
often require custom color such as translucent 
or opaque color tinted caps on personal care containers. 


Producing product prototypes, props and heros often call for custom colors on caps, bottles, cans, tubes, etc. We match airbrush colors to Pantone, CMYK, Toyo or to custom swatches provided by the client. The products are then airbrushed to client spec's for position, opacity and gradation patterns....coming soon.