| ColorColor rubdowns and proofs are used to apply disk or laser art creations to existing physical objects and client specific substrates using client designated spot or/and CMYK/RGB colors.Direct from your PC or Mac file: We create color rubdown dry transfers or direct proofs (color imaging directly onto your custom stock). From one color to multiple color composites we use a variety of methods and custom and proprietary systems to accomplish these tasks depending upon your desired end product. Traditional Rubdown & Proof Colors: We match 'em all! Pantone, CMYK, Toyo, latex and per sample swatches. Also standard and custom metallic and foil colors. Hi-Rez Digital InkJetPLUS Rubdowns & Proofs: CMYK+White/Clear/Spots, CcMmYKk+White/Clear/Spots. Fine Art (Giclee) Quality 7/color printing: Full color art reproductions from your files. We print a large 7 color gamut with durable inks onto quality art stocks. Objects/Stocks: Our job is to get your image on the physical object or substrate of your choice. Glass, metal, wood, fabric, bottle, can, cap, snowmobile, van, etc. Large variety of stock substrates on hand for choosing your production (paper, parchments, acetates, mylars and label/decal stocks. Objects are generally supplied by client. We accept all customer objects and substrates for printability and application tests. If we can't do it, we'll find someone who can! Color Rubdowns & Proofs
Color rubdowns are produced by hand, using film negatives from camera ready art or digital files. Whatever is on your computer screen can be produced as a color rubdown or direct proof and applied to your object or substrate. See our Mockup samples! |